This and That—July 2021

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

I love lists.

I love finding interesting things. (Former researcher here!)

And I love sharing.

I’ve decided to share a monthly post called This and That: a collection of things and ideas and issues I feel are important, interesting and/or playful.

You might be thinking, ok, but what does this have to do with yoga?

Yoga helps us engage fully with life—both our inner and outer worlds. When we practice yoga we can find ways to incorporate more curiousity, reverence, and play into our lives.

Part of my yoga practice is intentionally looking for things that make me light up. Putting together this post is part of that practice: it helps me keep an eye out for things that make me feel alive. Looking for tiny things in the everyday has been hugely helpful in my own healing journey, and has helped me find glimmers of hope when I thought there weren’t many left.

I’m excited to share things with you that have been inspiring me, on my mind, or piquing my curiousity.

Here you go:

  • A poem by Kae Tempest from a few years ago but one I keep returning to.

  • Ok, this dairy-free chocolate is probably the best vegan milk chocolate I’ve found so far (and I’ve sampled lots). Found in my local London Drugs! It is good, especially straight out of the freezer on a hot day.

  • News that’s not really news: Romeo the Peacock, aka Slippery Pete, escapes on a logging truck!

  • Probably the best music video I’ve seen in a long time. The horns! The suits! The dance moves!

  • Zoom is making it easier to add pronouns to your name. You can add them in your profile page. Here’s more info. My pronouns are she/her/hers. What are yours?

  • A four-minute film about the beauty of light and shadow.

  • And on a somber and serious note, more unmarked graves continue to be uncovered on residential school grounds. Here’s one of many articles out there on ways to take action. And here’s a list of organizations accepting donations to support survivors of residential schools.

I hope this list was helpful. Until next time.


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